The electric potential and the field of point charge are resolved with a special function. 利用特殊函数求解电势、电场,计算了点电荷与磁偶极子相互作用的电磁角动量。
The Explanatory Theory on the Energy Levels of A Point Charge in One-dimensional Coulomb Potential 一维库仑势中点电荷能级的解释性理论
On our rolling Wall Street contract, it's a 3 point charge – and that's nothing in the current market, argues Morris. 莫里斯辩称:我们的滚动华尔街合约收费是3个点&这在目前市场上算不上什么。
The Distribution of Charge on the Spheric Surface of Metal Ball in Electric Field of Point Charge 点电荷电场中金属球面上的电荷分布
Physical description of potential by a point charge in three layers of dielectrics 点电荷在三层介质中势的物理解释与光学类比
The Power Line Equation for Collinear Point Charge 共线点电荷系的电力线方程
The Power Line Equation of the N-point Charge system on the Rectilinear N个沿直线分布点电荷系统的电力线方程
The Relativity of a Point Charge 点电荷的相对性
A solution to electrostatic problem of point charge and spherical conductor is obtained by Robin's equation on conductor. 应用静电场中导体静电平衡时导体表面感应电荷面密度满足的鲁宾(Robin)积分方程和特殊函数性质,简单求解了点电荷和导体球静电问题。
In order to optimize the computation method, the charge simulation method has been developed combined with the equivalent line and point charge. 为了优化计算,提出了线电荷与点电荷相结合的等效电荷法。
When calculating the crystal binding energy by use of the interaction potential energy of the point charge, this paper explains that during teaching the basic theory of electromagnetism we instruct students to use into other subjects. 本文通过点电荷相互作用势能在计算晶体结合能时的应用,说明如果能在讲授电磁学基本理论的同时将有关知识在其它学科中的应用介绍给学生,可以取得很好的教学效果。
That solution can be used to solve the problem that the wedge shape body and the semi plane infinity body are acted by a point force, a point charge and a point electric current for piezoelectric-piezomagnetic and elastic media. 该解可以用来求解压电、压磁和电磁耦合弹性介质材料楔形体和半无限平面体受集中力、点电荷和点电流作用下的问题。
Magnetic field and electric field of a moving point charge 运动电荷的磁场和电场
Using the method of images, we discussed the distribution of the induced charges on the surface of the earthed-conducting sphere shell and the distribution of electric field in the space when a point charge is present near the conducting sphere shell. 本文利用镜象法讨论了在接地导体球壳附近有点电荷时,空间的电场分布和球壳表面上感应电荷的分布。
According to the electric potential of a point charge and the superposition theorem of the field, a series solutions of the potential and the field of a uniformly charged ring are derived. 根据点电荷电势和场的叠加原理,导出了均匀带电细圆环电势和电场的级数表达式。
This paper discusses the justification and possible error when using single point charge model to calculate the charge parameters neutralized by a ground flash from multi-station measurements of electric-field changes. 本文首先论述了由地面多站电场变化测量来计算地闪所中和的电荷分布参数时点(球对称)电荷模式的适用范围及其可能造成的误差。
This paper adopts the method of auxiliary charge. To determine electric dipoles and the force between grounding conductor-ball and point charge. It can also determine the force between infinite surface conductor and point charge. 本文采用辅助电荷方法,求解电偶极子电场,接地导体球与点电荷之间作用力,以及无限大平面导体和点电荷之间作用力。
Electric potential of a dielectric ball in the electric field of a point charge 介质球在点电荷电场中产生的电势分布规律
The confinement_potential of point charge in electrostatic field requests anti_dielectric or mirror line of arranged free point charge out of confined region. 证明了静电场中点电荷的禁闭条件是禁闭区外部为抗电介质,或者在禁闭区外排布镜像点自由电荷系列线。
In this paper the analytic solutions to the electrostatic problem of two dielectric spheres are obtained with the aid of the inversion transformation and the distribution of the image charges in the case of infinite conductor spheres due to unit point charge is derived. 本文采用逆矢径变换,给出了介质双球静电问题的解析解,并导出了在点电荷激励下,介质球的介电常数趋向于无穷大时的镜像电荷分布。
A Solution with Integral Equation to Electrostatic Problem of Point Charge and Spherical Conductor 点电荷和导体球静电问题的积分方程解法
Superposition method for solving electrostatic problem of point charge and spherical medium is obtained by the vacuum physical picture of medium and the superposition principle of electrostatic field. 用电介质的真空物理图像与电介质边界上的边值关系结合叠加原理巧妙求解了点电荷和介质球静电问题。
Calculation and discussion of the potential of a system for a point charge and a dielectric sphere 点电荷与介质球系统电势的计算和讨论
The essence of our method is that, on the base of the crystal field model for point charge, the effect of molecule orbit is considered partly for the centrally symmetric field of coordination bodies. 这种方法的实质在于,在晶体场静止点荷模型基础上,考虑了诸配体等效中心对称场的部份分子轨道效应。
Physical model of a volume charge must be used when electric field intensity of point charge and a line charge and a surface charge is discussed. 当讨论点电荷、线电荷、面电荷所在处的电场强度时,应该使用电荷体分布的物理模型。
A new solution to the electrostatic problem of point charge and spherical conductor is obtained by the superposition principle of electrostatic field. 用静电场的叠加原理给出了点电荷导体球静电问题的新解法。
The Method of Images of a Point Charge and Dielectric Sphere System 点电荷和介质球系统的镜像电荷分布
Quantitative Relations between Electric Potential Energy and Electric Field Energy of Continuous Charged Body and Point Charge System 连续带电体和点电荷系的电势能与电场能的定量关系
Then, the method of fitting the experimental energy-level data and two simple calculation models for the crystal-field parameters ( Point charge electrostatic model and superposition model) are presented. 接着,我们介绍了通过拟合实验能级数据获得稀土离子光谱参量的方法以及本论文将会涉及到的计算稀土离子晶体场参数的两种简单模型:点电荷静电模型和叠加模型。